Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Isaiah 49:23 Those who trust in me will never be put to shame.

I was having a bad day a few months back, like we are talking grouchy as all get out and crying for no apparent reason. Well, except for the one reason that is always apparent, but hey no other reason for the unending tears. I was in my recliner, the recliner that was intended to be Wesley's but somewhere in the chaos of life it became mine. :) I must say I'm pretty happy about that. For a few months there, the recliner was the chair used to yell at God. I know every morning when I got up God was watching with anticipation and hoping that my steps wouldn't turn right into the living room and make their way over to that chair. I sat, I cried, I yelled and I told him how unfair all of his choices for my life were. I told him that I was so tired of being patient and I wanted answers. I wanted to know why. Then, I opened my Bible. I can honestly say that what happened next has never happened to me before in my entire life. Normally, I read the Bible and of course it is full of AWESOME revelations every single time but nothing that was a direct answer to my questions. I opened my Bible to Isaiah 49 and I started reading verse 8...

This is what the Lord says, "At just the right time, I will respond to you."

I laughed out loud. OK, OK, I hear ya! I kept reading...verse 13 - 16...

Sing for joy, oh heavens! Rejoice, oh Earth! Burst into song, oh mountains! For the Lord has comforted His people and will have compassion on them in their suffering. Yet Jerusalem says, "The Lord has deserted us; the Lord has forgotten us." Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you! See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands. Always in my mind is a picture of Jerusalem's walls in ruins.

Insert more crying here. God is forever showing me that He has me on His mind, ALWAYS. My name is written on the palms of His hands and forever in His mind is a picture of that day when our lives were devastated, when our dreams were in ruins. Today, I was reminded of how much He loves me. He is doing some Mighty things around this Deem household and I hope you are seeing the Mighty things he is doing around your home as well. When Ellersley was born all I wanted was for everyone to know her. I wanted to shout from the highest mountain that we had a baby girl even though she could not be seen. I wanted anyone and everyone to know that our baby was LOVED and that we were overjoyed to have had her in our life for the short period of time that we did. As a Mommy to a baby that is not on this side of eternity, I needed people to know about her. I loved and still love talking about her and how precious and perfect she is to our family. After 5 months, those feelings have dwindled. I LOVE talking about her, don't get me wrong but the need for everyone to know her has diminished a little. The point of this all is to say that God knew that urgent need of mine and is making it happen. Now, 5 months later, Jesus is working and Ellersley is going to be known and seen by a lot of people. I am valid and complete proof, God hears our cries. He listens to our pleas and he LOVES to bring them all to fruition. He loves to make the things that felt so wrong to begin with come to feel oh so right. I just love the Bible...

Those who trust in Me will NEVER be put to shame.

How awesome is that? I mean seriously...That tells me that what Satan saw as an opportunity to bring shame and depression and anger, God saw as an opportunity for us to trust Him and that if we did, shame would NEVER come our way. Jesus brings freedom where shame could reside, Joy where depression could live, and Love where anger could overtake. Our trust in Him has brought us through the depths of sorrow. I remember crying in the hospital those first few days and I remember thanking God for discouragement that does not lead to despair. We have not fallen into despair because we have the hope of Jesus. Hope and a promise to restore all that has been destroyed. Isn't God so awesome? Trust in Him and you will NEVER be put to shame.

Thank you Jesus for continually showing me that you are a part of this life that I am leading. Thank you for never forgetting me and never forgetting that day. Thank you for listening to my pleas, cries, rants and raves. Thank you for the promise of no shame in exchange for trust in You. Thank you for fulfilling the desires of my heart, you are my King. Thank you for ALWAYS loving me in the wonderful way that you do. From my heart to yours, I love you...

Elle's Mommy

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